Waveney Valley Canoe Club is a voluntary organisation and both coaches and committee members give their time to ensure an effective and professionally run club. The committee include coaches and non-coaches. We welcome anyone who would like to join the committee as this helps to ensure that the club reflects all its members’ needs. You do not need to be an experienced paddler as we want the committee to reflect our entire membership.

If you would like to discuss what is involved, please contact the Club Chair via the details below.

Club Chair

Vacancy – chair@waveneyvalleycanoeclub.org

Vice Chair

Steve Ginn


Linda Barnes – secretary@waveneyvalleycanoeclub.org


Liz Churchill – membership@waveneyvalleycanoeclub.org


Graham Day – treasurer@waveneyvalleycanoeclub.org

Welfare & Safeguarding

Stuart Riches – welfare@waveneyvalleycanoeclub.org

Committee Members

Gordon Goodsell

Jenny Steer

Caitlyn McKay

Russell Phipps

Heather Parr

Ben Sparkes

Hilary Tate

Illona Martin

Heather Parr

Charles Wilde